Expert Results When Interior Painting

Interior Painting- Essential Things You Should Know

Painting is one of the best ways to add color to your property. The exterior and interior painting will enhance the overall look of your house. If you are planning to paint the interior of your house, then you need to get in touch with an experienced painting company.

Do the Preparation

Early preparation is always good for every task you are going to perform, the same is the case with painting. Preparation work will consume a large amount of time when you are painting the interior of your house. You should tape off all the areas for sharp lines, move your furniture and furnishings, do the repairs, fix all the imperfections, remove the things like switch plates and doorknobs, and protect your floors from the splash of paints.

Sheen is Essential

The sheen and finish of your paint are having a major impact on the walls. You can select satin, gloss, and eggshell sheen that you can consider for your house. If you are going to paint high-traffic areas, then you need to choose gloss or satin as they are easy to clean. But remember that the wall imperfection will make it more prominent. In addition to this, matte-like finish such as flat will not be cleaned properly but they hide imperfections better.

Try Some Samples

It is not easy to guess how good or bad your paint looks on the wall? For a few amounts of money, you can purchase sample paints that you can paint on a small area to test out either paint shade looks good or not. This is one of the important things to know before painting a room. With this practice, you will know how the paint color will look on the surface. Keeping all this in mind, you should spend a few dollars instead of spending a huge amount on buying the gallons of paint to find out that color is not looking good on the wall.

Primer is Essential

Prime is one of the important and basic requirements to get the best painting done for your house. If you are planning to add a new color to your walls, then you need to prime your walls well. You can buy a primer and paint as all in one mixture or buy it separately. Primer will add a layer that will allow the paint to adhere better to give a perfect finish.


Steps to Prepare a Room for Painting

Interior painting is a great do-it-yourself project that can freshen up a room in no time, but there are risks to going it alone. Amateur paint jobs can be easy to spot because, unlike professional jobs, they leave tell-tale signs of paint spatter, mottled color or missed spots behind. Here are seven steps you should follow before you dip your roller to help you paint like a pro.

Remove Furniture

Professionals don’t stumble over coffee tables and stretch to paint behind the sofa, and neither should you. Remove furniture from the room before you paint to make the job easier and avoid ruining wood and upholstery with spilled or spattered paint. To ensure that your furnishings remain in good enough condition to be brought back into your newly painted room at the end of the project, refrain from just shoving everything into the hallway where it could be damaged or cause accidents. Consider renting a temporary storage container or a storage unit while you work. If there’s an item that just won’t fit through the doorway or is too heavy to move, pull it to the center of the room, away from the walls to be painted, and cover it with plastic to protect it

Protect Flooring

Assuming you want to keep your carpet or hardwood floor in place after you paint the room, protect it before you get to work. A few sheets of newsprint under your roller tray just aren’t sufficient. Use professional-style drop cloths throughout the room instead. Plastic sheeting is cheaper, but it’s easily punctured and can shift under your feet while you work, exposing areas of flooring. A heavy canvas drop cloth or a professional grade butyl-backed cloth protect against spills and also help keep paint from being tracked through the rest of your house if it accidentally gets on the soles of your shoes while you work. (Lots of do-it-yourselfers prefer to paint barefoot so they know when they step in paint.) Butyl-backed cloths have the added bonus of keeping spilled paint from soaking through to the flooring below.

Remove Wall Hangings

Maybe you think you’ll save time by leaving your paintings on the walls and simply painting around them. That’s great, unless a painting shifts a little bit one day in front of company, exposing your cut corner. Cutting in around paintings and clocks is actually more time consuming than removing them, and it risks damaging your décor as well. Plus, you might want to change your wall art before you paint the room again. So, it’s always better to take everything off the wall and paint the entire surface. Again, protect your things so you have something to bring back into your finished room. Use bubble wrap and storage bins to make sure delicate pieces don’t break, and be sure to store them well out of the way. If there is any chance that you might want to reconfigure your pictures and clocks when you re-hang them, remove nails and picture hangers and fill in the holes with spackle before you paint. Be sure to let the spackle dry before you cover it.

Clean the Walls to Be Painted Learn more about cleaning before painting

Why should you clean something you’re just going to paint anyway? Because clean, uniform surfaces will assure you of a smooth, professional-looking result. Dark smudges can show through a coat of paint, and oil or other substances on the wall can change the consistency of the paint being applied. Clean all walls to be painted with a solution of water and mild detergent. For tough stains or smudges, like kitchen grease or soot stains, professionals rely on trisodium phosphate. Mixed with bleach, trisodium phosphate can also remove mildew and mildew stains before you paint. No matter what kind of cleaning solution you use, be sure to rinse the walls thoroughly when you’re finished and leave them plenty of time to dry before you get to work. House painting professionals might even use fans to speed the drying process.



Maintaining the rich color and smooth finish of your home’s interior doesn’t mean you have to repaint the whole room to fix the dents, dings, scratches and marks that can, over time, mar your walls’ surfaces.

By using the proper technique and the right color, you can touch up select spots of your wall paint, and keep your walls looking flawless and freshly painted.

Clean the Surface

Before you make repairs, clean the area with a sponge, mild detergent and water. Dirt, grime and dust can build up on the wall’s surface, which can affect paint adhesion when you begin touching it up. Lightly wipe the work area with the soapy sponge and then dry it with a clean towel before proceeding.

Step 2: Make Repairs

Dents, small holes (nail holes, etc.) and deeper scratches can be filled in with spackling compound. Use a piece of fine-grit sandpaper and lightly smooth the surface around the area to be repaired. This will help to remove any fragments or raised portions of the wall. Next, open a container of premixed spackling compound and scoop up a small amount of it with the edge of a putty knife. Use just enough to fill in the hole or crack. Put the compound-covered blade of the putty knife at a 45-degree angle to the wall and spread the compound over the hole or crack in a smooth, feathering motion. Do this until the hole is completely filled in. Scrape away excess compound from the wall with your putty knife with the blade at a 90-degree angle to the wall. Wipe any remaining excess with a damp cloth before it sets. It will take a few hours for the patch to properly set. If the patch is slightly raised from the rest of the surface, lightly sand it again with fine-grit sandpaper.

Step 3: Prime

You must now prime the repaired areas for optimal paint adhesion and color blending. Without primer, the touched-up spot will stand out from the rest of the painted surface. Choose a high-quality, interior latex primer, such as True Value EasyCare® Ultra Premium Interior Primer/Sealer. Use a small or medium-sized paintbrush (depending on the size of the repaired area) to apply a layer of primer over the spot. Try to keep the size of the primed area confined to the dimensions of the repair for best results. Let the primer dry completely, as recommended by the manufacturer’s directions.


Best Tips on Choosing the Right Interior Wall Paint Colours

Wondering how you are going to zoom in on the  best interior wall paint colour for your home? Lucky for you, you are in the right place. Interior wall painting can come across as an essential task to many in designing a house. Whether you are painting your house for the first time or wanting to re-paint your house to match the colour trends in the year of 2019, it is important to select the right paint colours for your house.

to help you to find the top interior wall paint colours for home through your house painting process. Previously, we had discussed epic wall decorating ideas to refresh your home. You can pick up a few tips from that as well. Coming back to where we left off, we are here to guide you on choosing the best interior wall paint colours for your home. From analysing the colour options available for preparing a layout for your ideal design, you need to plan it all, which is why it becomes a hard task. Let us see how we can ease the process and make wall painting fun. So, how to choose the right paint colours for your house?

Pick your furniture and decors before picking interior wall paint colours

It is common that you will want to get done with the big things first, but it is important to analyse which method would be easy and yield the best results.

Start with some research on best interior wall paints and designs

What are the trending wall paints? What are the colour combinations that will suit my interiors? These are some of the basic questions that you need to ask yourself.

Keep the wall paint colour neutral and balanced

Understand where you want the focus in a room to be. If you want the maximum focus to be on the walls, then you can go for bold, vibrant colours.


Things Your House Painter Wishes You Knew

Painting your house is one of those maintenance projects that most homeowners undertake at some point, whether it’s the outside or the inside. With the exception of hardened DIY-types (you know who you are!), just about all homeowners will hire painters at some point—whether to prepare their home for moving in, or for a sale, or perhaps to kick off a remodel with a new color scheme.

But homeowners tend to get nervous around painters. What if they spatter the new carpeting or shatter the china cabinet window? What if the colors you’ve painstakingly selected don’t work out?

Painting your house is art—let the pros do it

Think of painting as not just a skill, but also an art: You wouldn’t hover behind Michelangelo as he completed the Sistine Chapel, fretting the whole time, would you?

Yes, it’s true that your bathroom wall will never be one of the world’s premiere masterpieces, no matter how skilled your painter, but that doesn’t make back-seat painters any less annoying.

Prep can take a long time

According to Benson, at least 30% of a good-quality paint job will be prep time. “That’s where less-qualified painters lower their bids. That’s where problems come with paint getting on things it shouldn’t be,” he says

Tips To Make A Commercial Painting

How To Estimate Interior Commercial Paint Jobs

A new paint job is usually a top priority when a company needs to upgrade their interior space. Painting is a cost-effective way to transform the look and feel of a commercial space without investing a large amount of money in a decor overhaul. However, it’s important to shop around for quality paint services. Here’s how to estimate interior commercial paint jobs to help save overall while still getting a quality finished product.

Pricing a paint job can be tricky because you need to keep business owners happy, but you also need to ensure that you’re covering expenses incurred and you’re making enough profit to keep your business in good standing.

Pricing an Interior Commercial Paint Job

There are two methods of pricing commercial paint jobs: guesstimating and measuring. We’ll look at each of these methods and what factors are involved.

In general, your pricing will always need to take the following 4 elements into account:

  • Labor
  • Materials
  • Overheads
  • Profit

Methods of Pricing – Guesstimating

Guesstimation is a good method for pricing small commercial painting projects. But medium to large size projects should always be measured to give you a more accurate estimate.

How Do You Use Guesstimating?

You use your experience and knowledge to estimate how many days it’s going to take to complete the project and what materials are required.

Here’s the 4 step process for how to estimate interior commercial painting by guesstimate.

  1. Calculate the number of days

With an existing building, you can visit the site to evaluate the work involved. You can do the same with a new build, as well. If not, the only way is to look at contract drawings.

  1. Multiply this by your daily painter charge

Second, the daily painter charge is usually made up of three elements:

  • Primary labor costs – how much you charge per hour
  • Company overhead and profit margin – add 30 – 35% to cover your company’s indirect overheads and profit. (Use the lower percentage rate if you want to keep your price competitive and secure the project)
  • Project direct overheads – these vary from project to project and cover things like gas, parking, tools, etc.
  1. Calculate your paint costs – you can either:
  • Add a percentage onto the ‘number of days’ x ‘daily painter charge’ value – 15% for cheaper materials or 30-50% for high spec materials, OR
  • Estimate the amount of paint you’ll need and multiply by the purchase cost.
  1. This will give you the total price.

Fourth, as mentioned, guesstimating is fine for small commercial projects, but not advised for medium-to-large size commercial painting contracts, complex projects or projects with non-standard specifications.

Be aware that the bigger the project the more complex. Complex projects might also have things like non-standard wall heights, or the business may want to use expensive paints.

If you guesstimate you could be seriously off in your calculations, either far too high or far too low.

Methods of Pricing – Measuring

Measuring is the only method you should use for pricing medium to large commercial painting projects. You can calculate the amount of paint needed and the cost of labor once you know the size of the area.

Here’s the 5 step process for how to estimate interior commercial painting by measuring.

Step 1 – Calculate the size of the area

Multiply the height by the length of each wall. Then, add the figures together to get the total square footage. From this, subtract the total square footage of windows and doors to get the total square footage to be painted.

Step 2 – Determine the  amount of paint required

In general, one gallon of paint covers about 400 square feet of smooth surface and 300 square feet of a textured surface. Divide the total square footage by either 400 or 300 to get the total number of gallons of paint required. If two coats of paint are needed you’ll need to double the amount of paint required.

Step 3 – Calculate the total cost for materials

Premium-quality paint typically costs between around $35 – $50 per gallon. While you will save money by using cheaper paint, it won’t have the finish or durability of a premium-quality paint. Multiply the total gallons of paint by the cost per gallon to get the total price for the paint.

You may also want to add on the cost of brushes, rollers, paint trays, and drop cloths to your quote to get the total cost for materials.

Step 4 – Calculate labor cost

Determine how many hours a painter will need for the job to calculate the labor costs. In general, a painter covers approximately 150 – 200 square feet an hour. You should include prep tasks such as:

  • Washing
  • Scraping
  • Caulking
  • Treating problem areas, and
  • Applying primer.

You should also need to factor in extra hours for things like:

  • The intricacy of trim details
  • Repairs to walls
  • Smoothing textured walls
  • Safety tasks

Multiply the number of hours for the job by the hourly painter rate (the hourly painter rate includes primary labor, overheads, direct expenses, and profit margin, etc.) to get the total amount of labor costs.

Step 5 – Calculating the final estimate

Add the costs for materials and labor together to get the final estimate for an interior commercial painting project.


Commercial Painting: More than Just Pretty Walls

If you are a commercial property owner, investor, or manager, you tend to have a lot on your plate when it comes to maintenance. Certainly, you want your building or complex to look its best, but at the same time, it is essential to keep in mind the bottom line. Functionality and productivity are just as important as appearance, sometimes more so. In addition, any refurbishing needs to be done with minimal disruption to your business or tenants.

A good commercial painting contractor will help you achieve your goals. Beyond a fresh new appearance and an appealing color scheme, experienced commercial painters can provide a whole range of related services, together with the smallest possible amount of down time and inconvenience. Find out more.


Whether you aim to convey a particular image or establish a distinctive brand, you want your office, mall, plant, school, religious institution, or other commercial property to look welcoming to visitors. With a neat, attractive physical appearance, you will create a good first impression and foster a sense of confidence. A painting firm which is experienced in commercial work will be qualified to give advice on current color trends in your field (for instance, the hotel industry) and how to use color to create an appropriate mood — soothing blue for a spa, energetic yellow in a factory, or lively red in a restaurant are a few examples. They’ll use digital color imaging to give you a clear idea of how different hues would look in your setting.

Type of Paint 

Find a contractor who uses high quality paint, for a good-looking, hardwearing job. Well chosen and applied, commercial paint ought to be able to stand up to five years of heavy use. Your painter should be equipped to advise you about important topics like the best products for various surfaces (including wood, drywall, concrete, metals, and others), wall and floor solutions for high-traffic areas, and exterior sealants that will increase resistance to severe weather conditions like heavy storms or harsh sunlight. For interiors, low-odor paint will allow redecoration to take place with minimal disturbance to employees and clients, while anti-mold paint and products with low or, even better, no VOCs will safeguard their health.


A good commercial paint job begins with proper preparation. Look for a professional painting contractor who will perform a thorough cleanup of the surfaces to be treated, including pressure washing of the exterior, and take care of existing problems such as chipping or peeling paint, water damage, mold, graffiti, rust, damage to the substrate, or concrete spalling. Inside the building, other types of repair may be necessary — repair or replacement of drywall; patching of nail holes, cracks, dents, and gouges; and retexturing of acoustical ceilings.

Customer Service

Discuss with commercial painters how they will proceed with their work while causing the least interruption to normal business or inconvenience to your clients and employees. An especially service-oriented contractor may offer you flexible scheduling — that is, working during your off-hours or slow season so that your business can continue to function relatively normally. Consider, also, the safety measures they plan to put in place to protect occupants of the building as well as its equipment and furnishings.

Quality Control

Competitive pricing is important in terms of keeping your project within budget. Beyond the dollar cost of commercial painting, look for detailed written specifications regarding materials, colors, and projected time frame. Reliable contractors will perform regular inspections during the course of the work and upon completion, issuing detailed progress reports which you can present to your colleagues or investors. In addition, they will guarantee both materials and labor in writing.



Commercial painting is so much more than just adding a little color to the walls, it’s a statement about how well you take care of your business or organization and your clients or patrons. Hiring the right team of professionals as your commercial painting company is the only way you’ll get a satisfactory paint job that lasts and best portrays how you feel about your business on its exterior. However, the process of finding the right team can be more complicated than it seems. Here are a few things to consider before you make your final decision.


No matter what you need commercial painting services for, there’s no use getting it done if it’s not done right. You’re looking for a company who has consistently shown they can deliver on their promises, and who has the reviews and the reputation to back up their claims. Each industrial space comes with its own set of complications and obstacles, and workers are often forced to make a lot of snap decisions when they’re on the job.

Look for a team that has experience with a variety of commercial spaces, especially if you’re requesting an unconventional project. For example, if you need a huge warehouse painted with high ceilings and plenty of electrical wiring, you’ll need a team who has both the tools and skills to get it all done in record time. A quality paint job is one that won’t need to be redone just a few years later.


You don’t have an unlimited amount of time or money to put into painting a commercial space. The right commercial painting contractors will be constantly evaluating your resources to see where they can eliminate waste. There are plenty of contractors out there who are willing to low-ball the price, but who will also cut corners when it comes to their work. They may use old-fashioned technology that pushes your timeline back by days or even weeks, or they may even recommend costly and unnecessary renovations for your space.

The best way to approach finding commercial painting services is to find a company that values their assets as much as you value yours. They should be willing to answer your questions at every stage of the way so there’s no confusion about what’s being done and why. They should be looking at your budget and your long-term goals to see if there are any improvements they can make without sacrificing your limited resources.


Regardless of a contractor’s experience and skills, accidents can and will happen. However, you still need to look for a contractor that puts a heavy emphasis on safety. All employees should be familiar with OSHA standards and should know what to do in small, high, or dangerous spaces. Workers should understand how to work with lead and how to prevent falls. They should know and be able to follow all compliance rules for emergencies.

The wrong painters can severely increase your liability. While it’s up to the workers to maintain their own safety, an unprofessional company may try to blame accidents or injuries on the owner of the space. One good way to get a sense of a company’s commitment to detail is to ask them for a safety plan based on your particular site and project. This way, you’ll be able to tell just how much forethought and planning goes into each decision.


The wrong materials on a project are not only unhealthy for workers, they can also be downright dangerous to the environment. Some painters have been known to cut corners, buying materials that are cheaper in the short-term but irresponsible in the long-term. Green buildings are not only smart for the future of the planet, they’re also excellent for decreasing danger in a space.

Paints that use volatile organic chemicals have been known to affect the air quality of a commercial space, which can make the area unwelcoming to workers and clients or customers alike. The EPA has said that these chemicals may even increase your likelihood of getting cancer. Years after the paint has dried, these chemicals may still be active in the air. A commercial painting company should be doing everything possible to promote safety for everyone.


Theft, damage, and shoddy workmanship are just a few things that you have to worry about when it comes to commercial painting services. While you don’t need a company who’s all brag and no substance, there are plenty of ways that you can find out how a company has handled themselves in the face of adversity. From independent review sites to local news articles to trade publications, check into as many sources as possible to get an accurate representation of what it will be like to work with the company.

Choose a company who’s willing to discuss their successes as well as their failures with you. No company is immune from making a mistake, but not all companies are secure enough in their work to step up to the plate about it. When you’re doing your research, don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions. if you can’t get a direct answer, it’s probably a sign to look elsewhere.


How to Maintain Your Commercial Interior Painting Project

  • Have it Done Right

One of the easiest ways to ensure that your paint maintenance is hassle-free is to make sure it is done correctly in the first place. When your commercial building is being painted, make sure you work with a reputable painting contractor. They will ensure your space is prepped, primed, and painted properly, and they will use high-quality paints that are made to be long-lasting.

  • Pick the Right Type of Paint

A painting contractor will also help you decide which paints you want for your specific commercial building. If you are in a warehouse, you likely don’t want a flat paint that is hard to clean. In an office, you don’t want to use a super-high gloss paint created for heavily used commercial spaces. Choosing the right type of paint for the purpose of your building, coupled with using an excellent brand will make maintaining your building’ interior walls easier.

  • Dust your Walls

Allowing dust to accumulate on your walls can cause the paint to fade or peel faster. Dusting your walls regularly keeps buildup from happening, which will help extend the lifespan of your building’s paint. Using a microfiber cloth or a vacuum with a soft brush attachment is an easy way to remove dust or light dirt from your walls.

Clean your Walls with a Cleaning Solution

Cleaning your walls is another important part of paint maintenance. Make sure you test your cleaning solutions on a small spot of your wall first so that you do not damage your paint. Once you are sure that the cleaning product won’t strip the paint away, use a soft sponge to clean your entire wall space. You may want to repeat this process a couple of times in especially high-traffic areas, such as office hallways or bathrooms.

Clean your Interior or Exterior by Pressure Washing or Air Blasting

Many professional painters offer a kind of cleaning service for your painted and stained surfaces, known as pressure washing, power washing, and most recently soft washing. While it’s not practical to pressure wash the interior of your office building (too many computers, papers, and wood surfaces), we can power wash the interior of your factory or warehouse. We can also power wash the exterior of almost any building, floor surface that is not carpet, and stained spaces, such as decking.


What is Commercial Painting?

Learning commercial painting and why it is important can help you choose the right painting contractors. It is different than residential painting because commercial is a business to business painting solution.

We have been painting for businesses for a very long time. Our services stretch Nationwide and we have amazing customer reviews.

First of all, commercial painting is for businesses. A business usually owns a commercial property, and commercial painters like us would be the right choice because that’s what we specialize in.

Second, many commercial spaces are tricky to paint. This makes it very important to have seasoned pros that know how to maneuver around to make every little spot look super professional.